The Christian faith is full of so many good and sound doctrines that make life easier and better if fully learnt and understood but many times, people (believer) in their quest for the truth allowed their zeal for the truth exceed their wisdom and they tend to get too extreme about this basic truths and many times find themselves in error.
There are three basic positions in which different people get in about these doctrines;
1.There are people on one side of error and extreme –wrong side of the road
2.There are people on the other side of error and extreme – the other wrong side of the road.
3, There are people on the middle of the road where the basic truth is.
Now let's see the different views.
Error and Extreme on one side says;
Money is an evil that all Christians should avoid.
The Basic Truth says:
God wants to bless His Children and prosper them.
Error and Extreme on the other side says:
Getting rich is the main focus of Faith.
Error and Extreme on one side says:
God wants His Children poor.
The Basic Truth says:
We are to seek first the other kingdom of God and His righteousness as opposed to being materialistically oriented.
Error and Extreme on the other side says:
God's main interest is your material well-being.
Error and Extreme on one side says:
Poverty shows humility and piety.
The Basic Truth says:
Preachers should teach the truth of God's word about money but they shouldn't be self-serving.
Error and Extreme on the other side says:
Material gain shows godliness.
Error and Extreme on one side says:
Preachers should never talk about money.
The Basic Truth says:
Preachers should keep their teachings on prosperity in balance with the many other truths of God's word.
Error and Extreme on the other side says:
Preachers should teach about money than any other subject.
It's very easy for sincere and honest believers to get on any of the ditches about this topic leaving the basic truth of the scriptures about financial prosperity. It's high time we all get to search and study the scriptures for ourselves and understand what it really talks about. Paul talked about not being swayed away by different doctrines but to study to show ourselves approved unto God... rightly dividing the word of truth.
Peace and Grace.